Powered by Keith McCullough's risk ranges, Signal Strength Stocks help investors identify the best-of-the-best stock picks from our fundamental research team. It’s a recipe for investing precision and success.
Hedgeye employs more than 40 stock-picking analysts searching for stock ideas across all parts of the U.S. economy (across Retail, Restaurants, Financials and everything in between). These analysts spend all of their time identifying the likely stock market winners and losers within their area of expertise.
The list of Signal Strength Stocks are generated from the hundreds of stocks covered by our research team. But how do we then select 20-30 best-of-the-best ideas from among these hundreds of stocks?
Hedgeye CEO Keith McCullough uses his risk range process. This Risk Range™ Signaling process was developed while Keith was still a hedge fund manager. Keith designed these math-based risk ranges to increase the odds of stock-picking success and, of course, make more money.
In the many years since they were first developed, Keith has said of his risk range process, “If I could only use one thing, it would be my risk ranges.” In other words, with Signal Strength Stocks, you get a carefully created list of stock picks to increase your likelihood of investing success.